Monday 27 June 2016

Follow up to Genealogy in the Park held June 10-11, 2016 Sherwood Park AB

It was our pleasure to host Pat Ryan at our 2nd Genealogy in the Park event. 
Pat is one of the absolute best presenters we know and also a very dear friend. 

Organizing Your Paper Files held Friday was well attended. Pat put the participants right to work, as you can see!
Saturday's presentations - interactive, informative, entertaining!

Claudine represented the AGS, brought a variety of books to sell

                                               Jason of Shop The Hound

Kim, Shannon, Tammy and Kelley. Special thanks to Kim and Kelley who took care of welcoming the attendees, manning the registration table, set up and clean up

Our sincerest thanks to: 

Pat Ryan awesome and innovating presenter

Provincial Archives of Alberta – smart phone stands, travellers bandaids, pencils, post-its, etc.

Shop the Hound - Jason

Alberta Genealogical Society - Claudine N. 

Lou T. – providing audio equipment, set up and management

Chris - Park AV Rentals

Todd - muffins and squares – his contact information is in the programme…… Book him soon.

Winn - gluten free banana bread, orange loaf and cupcakes ...YUM!

John A. projector contribution

Denise D.  Photography

Family Tree Trackers & Camrose Branch group members - registration, hall set up and take down 

and to all who attended! 
Thank you!
Shannon & Tammy